Student News

Jenna Dietz, a doctoral student in the department of clinical and health psychology, received a predoctoral grant from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.


Emily Fox, D.P.T., a student in the rehabilitation science doctoral program, received the American Physical Therapy Association’s Neurology Section Doctoral Student Research Award at the combined sections meeting.


Lisa LaGorio, a joint degree student in the rehabilitation science doctoral and master’s in public health degree programs, received a New Century Scholars Program Doctoral Scholarship from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation.


Samantha Lupu, an undergraduate student in the communication sciences and disorders program, received the Paula Porcher Criser Scholarship Award from the University Women’s Club.


Michael Morris, a doctoral student in the health services research program, received a service award from the American Public Health Association for his work on the executive policy drafting committee of APHA’s Health Administration Section.


Anna Yam, a doctoral student in the department of clinical and health psychology, received UF’s Leighton E. Cluff Aging Research Award.